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Our range of automatic rising bollards are a great access control solution and sink in less than 3 seconds.

Access Control Bollards

Thrulane specialises in the comprehensive installation of the entire BFT range, offering an optimal solution for access control bollards designed for both public and private streets catering to vehicular traffic.

The Automatic Rising Bollard swiftly retracts into the ground within an adjustable timeframe of less than 3 seconds, facilitated by a remote control device, ensuring efficient traffic clearance and subsequently rising back after the vehicle has passed through.

This user-friendly system serves a variety of applications, not only providing access control for private housing estates, company grounds, or streets but also addressing urban requirements for remote online centralised supervision.

In the event of a power outage, the bollard descends by gravity. Optionally, negative security is available, securing the bollard in the upward position even during a power outage, particularly advantageous for high-security scenarios. Limit switch captors detect the bollard’s status (up, down, or in motion), activating optional peripherals like traffic lights and control logic. An internal antifreeze heater is also available as an option, allowing the bollards to operate in extremely cold conditions.

Download our Bollards Brochure here.


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